- /links/Ditches/Ditch 35/Documents/Ditch #35 Branch #3 Partial Abandonment 2013/

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7/19/2013 1:43 PM 23878 20130715 List of Property Owners and Lots in the County Ditch # 35 Assessment Area.xlsx
7/19/2013 1:42 PM 163381 20130715 Map of All Properties in the County Ditch # 35 Drainage Area.pdf
7/19/2013 1:41 PM 14034 20130716 List of Property Owners and Lots in Assessment Area affected by Partial Abandonment.xlsx
7/19/2013 1:42 PM 96084 20130716 Property Owner Map Ditch 35 Partial Abandonment.pdf
7/19/2013 8:12 AM 1882089 Branch3 PartialAbandonment CertifiedMailReceipts-HearingNotice 7-2013.pdf
7/30/2013 10:50 AM 719852 CD #35 Ditch Map 7-15-13.pdf
10/30/2018 1:10 PM <dir> CD 35 Branch 3 Partial Abandonment
7/19/2013 8:10 AM 1882089 CertifiedMailReceipts-HearingNotice 7-2013.pdf
7/12/2013 8:44 AM 105439 Petition to Abandon Branch3 CD #35 Received 7-12-13.pdf
7/19/2013 12:10 PM 313248 Recommendations CD 35 Jon Olson 6-18-13.pdf