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2/3/2012 11:13 AM 271649 AffidavitPosting AuditorsNotice-PendencyPetition 12-31-1894.pdf
2/3/2012 11:11 AM 206449 AffidavitPosting-AuditorsNotice-PendencyPetition 1-7-1895.pdf
4/15/2011 9:37 AM 365374 InvoicePublicationPostingClerical 9-12-1963.pdf
4/13/2011 2:26 PM 470519 Memo-StateMnHearing-Petition Alterations 9-6-1963.pdf
2/3/2012 11:44 AM 353164 Notice-PendencyPetition 12-10-1894.pdf
2/3/2012 12:11 PM 417179 OrderAppointingViewers 9-15-1894 w-SheriffsReturn 9-24-1894.pdf
2/3/2012 11:35 AM 292565 OrderAppointingViewers 9-15-1894.pdf
2/3/2012 11:27 AM 586338 Petition 7-9-1894 w-SheriffsReturn 9-24-1894.pdf
2/3/2012 11:36 AM 437616 Petition Elwell 7-9-1894.pdf
2/3/2012 12:10 PM 398070 PetitionersBond Elwell 9-15-1894.pdf
2/3/2012 11:32 AM 447877 PetitionersNotice-PendencyPetition Elwell 8-7-1894.pdf
3/5/2012 10:37 AM 90378258 Plat of Elwell Ditch No. 24
3/5/2012 10:39 AM 928856 Plat of Elwell Ditch No. 24.pdf
2/3/2012 11:12 AM 433229 PrintersAffidavit Publication-AuditorsNoticePendencyPetition 1-5-1895.pdf
2/3/2012 1:48 PM 2278530 Profile Filed 10-13-1894.pdf
2/3/2012 11:15 AM 462794 ViewersReport 10-13-1984.pdf
2/3/2012 11:54 AM 548707 ViewersReport 9-26-1890.pdf
2/3/2012 11:42 AM 1228707 ViewersReport Exhibit1 DepthCutWidthCYds and Cost 10-13-1894.pdf
2/3/2012 11:40 AM 345967 ViewersReport Exhibit2 Time-MannerWork 10-13-1894.pdf
2/3/2012 1:41 PM 170802 ViewersReport Exhibit2 TimeManner-Work 9-26-1890.pdf
2/3/2012 11:46 AM 186453 ViewersReport Exhibit3 Laborers 10-13-1894.pdf
2/3/2012 12:00 PM 206831 ViewersReport Exhibit3 Laborers 9-26-1890.pdf
2/3/2012 12:08 PM 585548 ViewersReport Exhibit4 LandOwners 10-13-1894.pdf
2/3/2012 11:56 AM 326260 ViewersReport Exhibit4 ShowingLandOwners 9-26-1890.pdf
2/3/2012 12:02 PM 702951 ViewersReport Exhibit5 EstimatedCostConstruction 9-26-1890.pdf