- /links/Ditches/Ditch 35/Documents/Ditch #35 - Repair/

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5/17/2012 12:49 PM 1122067 Affidavit-Printing Notice-DitchConractors 4-17-1917.pdf
5/16/2012 2:58 PM 1795460 AuditorsTabularAssessmentStatement List-Undated 1918.pdf
5/17/2012 1:17 PM 1364885 Contract KCRichardson 5-3-1917.pdf
5/17/2012 1:15 PM 1679605 Contractors SuretyBond KCRichardson 4-30-1917.pdf
10/30/2018 1:10 PM <dir> EngineersReport 1-25-1917
5/22/2012 9:50 AM 109536 LetterOfSupport-Petition REStover 3-15-1917.pdf
5/16/2012 3:13 PM 318791 Notice-HearingOnPetition-Repair 2-24-1917.pdf
5/17/2012 1:20 PM 235825 Oath-Of-Viewers 8-30-1917.pdf
5/16/2012 3:16 PM 219148 Oath-Of-Viewers FrankHart-Resignation 9-3-1917.pdf
5/17/2012 12:53 PM 996978 OrderAppointingEngineer Petition-Repair 7-10-1916.pdf
5/17/2012 12:50 PM 1201185 OrderDesignatingTime&Place-MeetingOfViewers 8-14-1917.pdf
5/17/2012 12:59 PM 1303936 OrderToRepairDitch 3-20-1917.pdf
5/17/2012 12:51 PM 1136776 Petition-RepairOfDitch 7-16-1916.pdf
5/17/2012 12:54 PM 1697678 PetitionersBond ABergeron 7-10-1916.pdf
5/30/2012 2:48 PM 2449719 Profile Ditch No. 35.pdf
5/30/2012 2:53 PM 109477338 Profile of Repairs Ditch No. 35
5/30/2012 2:54 PM 1665701 Profile of Repairs Ditch No. 35.pdf
5/17/2012 12:47 PM 1294877 Proof-MailingCopies FinalNotice-Hearing 10-18-1917.pdf
5/17/2012 12:56 PM 1210803 Proof-MailingCopiesNotice-NonResidents 3-1-1917.pdf
5/17/2012 12:58 PM 1158486 Proof-Posting AuditorsNotice-Pendency 3-15-1917.pdf
5/16/2012 3:00 PM 296716 ResidentPaymentLetter 5-1-1918.pdf
5/16/2012 3:02 PM 1233193 StatementShowingAssessmentMadeOnLands 9-24-1918.pdf
5/16/2012 3:04 PM 1206883 ViewersReport 9-21-1917.pdf
5/16/2012 3:06 PM 123535 ViewersReport Exhibit3 ViewersComp 9-21-1918.pdf
5/16/2012 3:05 PM 869923 ViewersReport Exhibits1&2 Land&Owners-Costs 9-21-1917.pdf