- /links/Ditches/Ditch 42/Documents/
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3/8/2013 2:55 PM 268392 AcceptanceOfEngineer OFDoyleContract Section1 5-25-1908.pdf
3/12/2013 2:39 PM 331908 Affidavit-Mailing&Posting HearingNotice-NonResidents 1-23-1906.pdf
3/12/2013 2:56 PM 438795 Affidavit-Mailing&Posting Pendency-Petition-NonResidents 5-23-1905.pdf
3/15/2013 2:53 PM 358586 Affidavit-Posting AuditorsNoticePendency-Petition 5-27-1905.pdf
3/20/2013 10:38 AM 2105700 Affidavit-Posting Hearing-Petition 1-24-1906.pdf
3/8/2013 3:18 PM 344515 Affidavit-Posting Notice-PendencyPetition 4-7-1905.pdf
3/8/2013 3:19 PM 1421319 AssessmentMadeOnLand Recorded 6-15-1906.pdf
3/15/2013 2:54 PM 373002 AuditorsNotice Pendency-Petition 5-11-1905.pdf
3/20/2013 2:39 PM 551692 AuditorsNotice Pendency-Petition JOStromberg 3-9-1905.pdf
3/8/2013 2:51 PM 323562 AuditorsNotice-Hearing 1-15-1906.pdf
3/12/2013 2:01 PM 486311 AuditorsWarrant & EngineersReport OFDoyle 12-1-1906.pdf
3/12/2013 1:59 PM 548862 AuditorsWarrant & EngineersReport OFDoyle 12-21-1906.pdf
3/12/2013 1:42 PM 343800 AuditorsWarrant ConractPayment OFDoyle 6-13-1907.pdf
8/1/2012 9:06 AM 3576079 Co ditch 42 Index Location Map.pdf
3/15/2013 3:04 PM 3244647 Contract&ContractorsBond OFDoyle 4-6-1906.pdf
8/2/2012 11:59 AM 12320 County Ditch 42.xlsx
4/1/2013 2:10 PM 629654 CountyDitchInspectionReport PaulRuud 7-8-1994.pdf
10/30/2018 1:11 PM <dir> Ditch #42 - 2012 Inspection comp
3/8/2013 1:56 PM 5325639 EngineersReport Exhibits 6 2 & 4 12-15-1905 .pdf
4/1/2013 2:56 PM 200674 EngineersReport PartialCompletion Payment OFDoyle 11-27-1907.pdf
4/1/2013 2:54 PM 1251577 EngineersReport PartialCompletion PaymentWarrant OFDoyle February1907.pdf
4/1/2013 2:50 PM 610544 EngineersReport PartialCompletion-Payment OFDoyle 11-27-1906.pdf
7/29/2013 7:21 AM 725262 Map of County Ditch No. 42.pdf
3/12/2013 1:38 PM 453586 MemorandumOfAgreement Contractors 3-20-1909.pdf
3/12/2013 3:51 PM 306413 Notice-FilingOfAndHearingOnDitchPetition 5-23-1905.pdf
3/12/2013 3:46 PM 267865 Notice-SaleOfDitchingJobs 2-23-1906.pdf
3/20/2013 2:26 PM 376819 Notice-SpecialMeeting-CountyBoard Petition&ViewersReport 1-15-1906.pdf
4/1/2013 2:51 PM 203316 Numbered Payment Envelope OFDoyle 12-7-1906.pdf
3/12/2013 3:43 PM 194983 OathOfAssistantEngineer EWYoungdahl 10-6-1905.pdf
3/12/2013 2:45 PM 194291 OathOfEngineer AEMorgan 10-6-1905.pdf
3/12/2013 2:57 PM 191836 OathOfViewers 12-23-1905.pdf
3/12/2013 3:49 PM 259854 OrderAppointingViewers 12-16-1905.pdf
3/12/2013 3:01 PM 393380 OrderAppointingViewers 8-28-1905.pdf
3/12/2013 2:58 PM 407150 OrderAppointingViewers Copy 8-28-1905.pdf
3/12/2013 3:42 PM 576295 OrderEstablishingDitch JOStromberg 2-16-1906.pdf
3/20/2013 2:33 PM 869369 Packet Copy-OrderAppointingViewers Petition&SheriffsReturnService 12-23-1905.pdf
3/12/2013 2:37 PM 584991 Petition 2-28-1905.pdf
3/20/2013 2:38 PM 428776 Petition DEShannon Disallowed 1-26-1898.pdf
3/12/2013 3:02 PM 587581 Petition To Extend Proposed Ditch 3-24-1905.pdf
3/12/2013 2:44 PM 254778 Petition WJMcKenney 4-7-1905.pdf
3/12/2013 2:42 PM 416654 PetitionersBond 4-7-1905.pdf
3/8/2013 3:15 PM 380231 PetitionersBond DEShannon 3-12-1898.pdf
3/12/2013 3:39 PM 433901 PetitionersBond JOStromberg 3-9-1905.pdf
3/8/2013 3:12 PM 408456 PetitionersNotice Pendency-Petition 1-26-1898.pdf
3/8/2013 3:21 PM 270801 PetitionOpposingConstruction 3-8-1898.pdf
3/12/2013 3:41 PM 378270 PrintersAffidavit Notice-PendencyOfPetition 7-10-1905.pdf
3/20/2013 2:29 PM 404635 PrintersAffidavit NoticePendency-Petition 4-7-1905.pdf
3/20/2013 10:36 AM 1216522 PrintersAffidavit PublicHearingNotice Petition 2-16-1906.pdf
3/12/2013 2:35 PM 1007529 PrintersAffidavit-Publication HearingOnPetition 5-31-1904.pdf
4/9/2013 12:17 PM 2789573 Profile Exhibit5 12-15-1905.pdf
3/12/2013 3:52 PM 340071 Proof-MailingCopiesToNonResidents 4-14-1905.pdf
3/8/2013 2:53 PM 216945 Proof-Posting AuditorsNotice-Pendency 4-17-1905.pdf
3/12/2013 1:40 PM 527380 PropertyOwners ApprovingPayment-Contractors 6-21-1909.pdf
4/1/2013 2:46 PM 255687 Receipt MJSundeen 6-15-1906.pdf
3/12/2013 1:35 PM 465505 Remonstrate PetitionProtestingAssessment 2-16-1906.pdf
3/12/2013 3:48 PM 291326 ResolutionAppointingEngineer 7-10-1905.pdf
3/12/2013 2:59 PM 272704 ResolutionAppointingEngineer 8-29-1905.pdf
3/20/2013 10:31 AM 4474710 Sale-DitchingJobs PrintersAffidavit Acknowledgements ContractorOFDoyle 3-27-1906.pdf
3/15/2013 3:06 PM 306161 SurveyorsReport Acceptance ThompsonBrach 10-26-1908.pdf
4/9/2013 12:11 PM 1790034 ViewersReport w-Exhibits2&3 6-13-1906.pdf