- /links/Ditches/Ditch 43/Documents/
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4/23/2013 12:46 PM 2158618 2001 Correspondence TransferTo LRRWMO.pdf
4/23/2013 12:32 PM 669628 2002 Correspondence TransferToLRRWMO.pdf
4/23/2013 12:43 PM 5919109 2002 Documentation DitchTransfer CountyEngineer.pdf
4/26/2013 2:36 PM 261837 AcceptanceOfEngineer LLStewartContract 10-28-1910.pdf
4/26/2013 10:04 AM 445325 Affidavit Of Posting HearingNotice-Petition 1-24-1906.pdf
4/23/2013 1:59 PM 292144 AffidavitOfPublication Sale-DitchingJobs 4-23-1906.pdf
4/26/2013 2:38 PM 1380107 Assessment MadeOnLand Recorded 6-15-1906.pdf
4/26/2013 1:01 PM 352852 AuditorsNotice HearingOnPetition 1-15-1906.pdf
4/23/2013 3:01 PM 510077 AuditorsNotice Pendency-Petition 7-19-1905.pdf
4/23/2013 2:54 PM 331356 Contractor LLStewart Application-Extension 7-1-1907.pdf
4/23/2013 1:11 PM 154307 Contractor LLStewart ContractExtensionRequest 12-24-1907.pdf
4/23/2013 2:51 PM 364340 Contractor LLStewart Request-Extension to 12-31-1907.pdf
4/29/2013 10:34 AM 1709750 Contractor Payment Due LLStevens TileWork 10-28-1910.pdf
4/29/2013 9:55 AM 253979 Contractor Payment LLStewart 4-24-1906.pdf
4/29/2013 10:30 AM 4363445 Contractor Payment LLStewart to AnokaNationalBank 3-1-1909.pdf
4/29/2013 9:57 AM 376227 Contractor Payment LLStewart w-EngineersReportPartialCompletion 8-1-1907.pdf
4/29/2013 10:38 AM 2718559 ContractorAgreements AAStevens-AnokaNationalBank 6-8-1906 and LLStewart-AAStevens 4-30-1906.pdf
4/29/2013 2:10 PM 999044 Contractors Bond LLStewart-AAStevens Copy 10-28-1910.pdf
4/23/2013 1:45 PM 423158 ContractorsBond AAStevens 4-30-1906.pdf
4/23/2013 1:13 PM 694520 ContractorsBond LLStewart 10-28-1910.pdf
4/29/2013 10:41 AM 18003839 EngineersReport Exhibit2 EstDepth-CutWidth-CubicYdsRemoved and Cost 4-23-1906.pdf
4/23/2013 1:10 PM 474229 Garnishee Summons StevensVsStewart 10-10-1908.pdf
10/30/2018 1:11 PM <dir> Letters - Construction Issues
7/29/2013 7:38 AM 545998 Map of County Ditch No. 43.pdf
4/23/2013 2:54 PM 259388 Notice SaleOfJobs 2-27-1906.pdf
4/29/2013 8:35 AM 136334 Notice-Pendency Of Ditch Repair Petition 3-20-1917.pdf
4/23/2013 3:29 PM 307856 Notice-SpecialMeeting&SheriffsReturn ViewersReport&Petition n1-15-1906.pdf
4/26/2013 10:06 AM 241711 Oath Of Engineer in Ditch Proceedings 10-12-1906.pdf
4/23/2013 3:20 PM 194902 Oath of Engineer Morgan 10-6-1905.pdf
4/23/2013 12:58 PM 188861 Oath of Engineer Youngdale 10-6-1905.pdf
4/23/2013 3:03 PM 208899 Oath Of Viewers 1-8-1906.pdf
4/23/2013 1:43 PM 638404 Objections-CertainLandownersAsToBenefit&Construction 6-26-1908.pdf
4/26/2013 12:57 PM 763013 Order Appointing Viewers 8-29-1905.pdf
4/26/2013 12:55 PM 481487 Order Designating Time and Place for Viewers Meeting w-Return Service 1-6-1906.pdf
4/26/2013 1:02 PM 1222464 Order Designating Time and Place of Viewers First Meeting w-Sheriffs Return 1-8-1906.pdf
4/26/2013 10:07 AM 783062 Order Establishing AEWellman Ditch 2-26-1906.pdf
4/29/2013 10:31 AM 1055150 Payment to Contractor LLStewart 6-29-1910.pdf
4/29/2013 10:32 AM 1389556 Payment to Contractor LLStewart 8-10-1910.pdf
4/26/2013 1:00 PM 506807 Petition AEWellman for Public Ditch 7-6-1905.pdf
4/23/2013 3:16 PM 172716 Petition Objections-CetainLandowners 2-17-1909.pdf
4/26/2013 2:45 PM 722287 Petitioners Bond AEWellman 7-6-1905.pdf
4/26/2013 1:04 PM 508627 Printers Affidavit Notice Pendency-Petition 8-23-1905.pdf
4/23/2013 12:56 PM 346261 PrintersAffidavit NoticeOfHearing-Petition 2-16-1906.pdf
8/5/2013 11:01 AM 1126319 Profile of County Ditch No. 43.pdf
4/26/2013 2:47 PM 275792 Proof-Mailing Copies-Notice NonResidents 5-7-1919.pdf
4/23/2013 3:24 PM 281778 Proof-Mailing&Posting Non-Residents Hearing-Petition 1-22-1906.pdf
4/23/2013 3:26 PM 348016 Proof-Mailing&Posting NoticePendency-Petition 7-21-1905.pdf
4/29/2013 8:17 AM 286825 Proof-MailingCopies FinalNotice-HearingOnPetition 10-8-1917.pdf
4/23/2013 3:00 PM 802757 Proof-Posting NoticePendencyPetition 7-26-1905.pdf
4/23/2013 12:59 PM 275050 Resolution-Order AppointingEngineer 8-29-1905.pdf
4/23/2013 2:00 PM 317537 Sale Of Jobs LLStewart 3-23-1906.pdf
4/23/2013 2:38 PM 164552 Viewers Amended Report 2-26-1906.pdf
4/29/2013 1:32 PM 3012784 ViewersReport and Exhibits 2-26-1906.pdf