- /links/Ditches/Ditch 6/Documents/
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10/30/2018 1:12 PM <dir> 2008 Partial Private Cleaning
7/31/2013 12:27 PM 1446336 Acceptance-CountySurveyor-AndrewPeterson 11-22-1890.pdf
7/31/2013 12:40 PM 233324 AcceptanceOfSurveyor KummerContract 6-10-1891.pdf
7/31/2013 12:27 PM 670479 AffidavitPosting-NoticePendencyPetition 8-7-1890.pdf
7/31/2013 12:27 PM 638143 AffidavitPublicationNoticePendencyPetition 8-22-1890.pdf
7/31/2013 12:28 PM 864515 AssessmentMadeonLand 11-14-1890.pdf
7/31/2013 12:29 PM 622703 Contract&ContractorsBond AndrewPeterson 10-20-1890 wPmtNote.pdf
7/31/2013 12:29 PM 840266 Contract&ContractorsBond AndrewPeterson 10-20-1890.pdf
7/31/2013 12:30 PM 650333 Contract&ContractorsBond HMKenner 10-23-1890.pdf
7/31/2013 12:30 PM 1140948 Contract&ContractorsBond WmFHopper 10-20-1890.pdf
7/31/2013 12:31 PM 689632 Contract&ContractorsBondforConstruction 10-20-1890.pdf
7/31/2013 12:32 PM 3057863 County Ditch Inspection Report 7-7-1994.pdf
7/31/2013 12:32 PM 445980 Estimate of Cost - John Olson Ditch 4-13-1889.pdf
3/25/2011 2:19 PM 705694 EstimateTotalCostConstruction 6-5-1890.pdf
7/31/2013 12:37 PM 486779 Notice-Pendency Of Petition 5-10-1890.pdf
7/31/2013 12:33 PM 507313 NoticePendencyPetition 7-29-1890.pdf
7/31/2013 12:34 PM 827173 NoticeSalesJobs 9-23-1890.pdf
7/31/2013 12:34 PM 617170 OrderAppointingViewers HunterHatchDawson 5-10-1890.pdf
7/31/2013 12:34 PM 841847 OrderAppointingViewers wSheriffsCertNoticeServedEach 5-13-1890.pdf
7/31/2013 12:35 PM 2715237 OrderEstablishingDitch w-Assessments WmTHopper 8-23-1890.pdf
7/31/2013 12:36 PM 432207 Petition WmFHopper ViewersServed 3-31-1890.pdf
7/31/2013 12:38 PM 380749 Petition-WmfHopper 3-31-1890.pdf
7/31/2013 12:36 PM 398000 PetitionersBond WmFHopper-Others 5-10-1890.pdf
7/17/2013 3:16 PM 31701259 Profile of Ditch No. 6.JPG
9/23/2013 3:20 PM 1333258 Profile of Ditch No. 6.pdf
4/6/2011 8:09 AM 1405306 Profile of Ditch No. 6.TIF
7/31/2013 12:38 PM 1264582 SaleOfDitchingJobs List 10-25-1890.pdf
3/25/2011 9:20 AM 3026342 ViewersReport Exhibit1 Part1 6-5-1890 .pdf
3/25/2011 9:21 AM 2425389 ViewersReport Exhibit1 Part2 6-5-1890.pdf
7/31/2013 12:41 PM 401354 ViewersReport Exhibit2 ShowingTime&MannerWork 6-5-1890.pdf
7/31/2013 12:41 PM 198717 ViewersReport Exhibit3 Laborers 6-5-1890.pdf
3/25/2011 9:38 AM 440152 ViewersReport Exhibit4 Landowners&Land 6-5-1890.pdf
3/25/2011 10:11 AM 507626 ViewersReport WmTHopper EDavis 6-5-1890.pdf