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7/23/2013 8:15 AM 193248 AcceptanceCoSurveyor 7-16-1891 Peterson.pdf
7/23/2013 8:15 AM 268714 AcceptanceCoSurveyor 7-6-1891 Woodworth.pdf
7/23/2013 8:16 AM 682895 AffidavitPostingNoticePendencyPetition 11-22-1890.pdf
7/23/2013 8:16 AM 568649 AffidavitPostingNoticePendencyPetition 5-22-1889.pdf
3/31/2011 10:29 AM 276991 AffidavitPublicationSaleDitchingJobs 5-2-1891.pdf
7/23/2013 8:18 AM 429219 AssessmentMadeonLand Recorded 5-25-1891.pdf
7/23/2013 8:18 AM 598292 Contract&ContractorsBond-AndrewPetersen- 7-15-1891.pdf
7/23/2013 8:18 AM 669153 Contract&ContractorsBond-EPWoodworth 5-25-1891.pdf
7/23/2013 8:19 AM 624090 Exhibit5 ViewersReport-StatementofCost 7-19-1890.pdf
7/23/2013 8:19 AM 348215 NoticePendencyPetition-JTElwelll&CPLovell 10-20-1890.pdf
7/23/2013 8:20 AM 272119 NoticeSaleofJobs Elwell&sovell 4-3-1891.pdf
7/23/2013 8:20 AM 270965 OrderAppointingViewers Elwell&Lovell 7-5-1890.pdf
7/2/2013 7:52 AM 672914 OrderEstablishingDitch ElwellLovell 2-21-1891.pdf
7/23/2013 8:21 AM 593527 Petition Elwell 2-10-1890 5.pdf
7/23/2013 8:21 AM 570647 Petition Elwell&Bullis 2-10-1890 6.pdf
7/23/2013 8:21 AM 460339 Petition Elwell&Lovell 2-3-1890 2.pdf
7/23/2013 8:21 AM 348899 Petition Elwell&Lovell 2-3-1890 3.pdf
7/23/2013 8:22 AM 503749 Petition Elwell&Lovell 5-28-1890 1.pdf
7/23/2013 8:22 AM 349602 Petition Elwell&Lovell DitchorDrain 5-28-1890.pdf
7/23/2013 8:25 AM 519894 Petition JosT Elwell 2-10-1890.pdf
7/23/2013 8:23 AM 339824 Petition Section26 Town31 Range23 through Sections27&34 Dated 2-3-1890.pdf
7/23/2013 8:24 AM 505753 PetitionandOrderAppointingViewers Elwell&Lovell w-SheriffsReturn 7-5-1890 1.pdf
7/23/2013 8:26 AM 412216 PetitionersBond Elwell&Lovell 2-10-1890 2.pdf
7/23/2013 8:26 AM 406348 PetitionersBond Elwell&Lovell 2-10-1890.pdf
7/23/2013 8:26 AM 406277 PetitionersBond Elwell&Lovell 6-4-1890 1.pdf
7/23/2013 8:27 AM 442937 PetitionersBond Elwell&Lovell 7-10-1890 3.pdf
7/23/2013 8:27 AM 408123 PetitionersBond Elwell&Others 3-6-1890 5.pdf
7/23/2013 8:28 AM 471844 PetitionersBond Elwell&Others 5-13-1892.pdf
7/23/2013 8:28 AM 437621 PetitionersBond ElwellCarltonLovell 3-6-1890 4.pdf
7/23/2013 8:29 AM 436125 PetitionersBond Lovell&Coleman 7-11-1891.pdf
7/23/2013 8:29 AM 623640 PetitionersNoticePendencyPetition Elwell 2-10-1890 5.pdf
3/31/2011 12:26 PM 736943 PetitionersNoticePendencyPetition Elwell&Bullis 2-10-1890 6.pdf
7/23/2013 8:30 AM 426860 PetitionersNoticePendencyPetition Elwell&Lovell 2-6-1890 1.pdf
7/2/2013 7:58 AM 497751 PetitionersNoticePendencyPetition Elwell&Lovell 2-6-1890.pdf
7/23/2013 8:30 AM 484281 PetitionersNoticePendencyPetition Elwell&Lovell DitchorDrain 6-4-1890 1.pdf
7/23/2013 8:31 AM 1071311 PetitionersNoticePendencyPetition Elwell&Others 2-10-1890 4.pdf
7/23/2013 8:32 AM 482345 PetitionsNoticePendencyPetition Elwell&Lovell 2-6-1890 3.pdf
4/1/2011 12:30 PM 784539 PlatShowingRoute 7-19-1890.pdf
7/23/2013 8:32 AM 296045 Printers Affidavit-Publication-PendencyPetition 11-19-1890.pdf
4/1/2011 12:34 PM 1663891 Profile 7-19-1890.pdf
4/6/2011 8:12 AM 195091 Profile of Ditch No. 7.TIF
4/6/2011 1:01 PM 195091 Profile of Ditch No. 7A.TIF
7/2/2013 7:57 AM 903251 SaleDitchingJobsNotice&List 4-3-1981-BarelyReadable.pdf
7/2/2013 7:51 AM 691485 ViewersReport ConditionsFavorable-FBSury&JSPillsburyApproval-NoDate.pdf
4/1/2011 12:26 PM 213212 ViewersReport Exhibit 4 Owners 7-19-1890.pdf
4/1/2011 12:23 PM 719600 ViewersReport Exhibit1 - Estimates 7-19-1890.pdf
7/23/2013 8:33 AM 152088 ViewersReport Exhibit2 WorkDescription 7-19-1890.pdf
7/23/2013 8:34 AM 184095 ViewersReport Exhibit3 Laborers 7-19-1890.pdf
7/2/2013 7:56 AM 465846 ViewersReport Lovell&Elwell 7-19-1890.pdf