- /links/Ditches/Ditch 9/Documents/
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7/23/2013 7:51 AM 213662 AcceptanceCoSurveyor CarlPeterson 1-30-1891.pdf
7/23/2013 7:52 AM 788494 AcceptanceCoSurveyor EPWoodworth 8-31-1891.pdf
7/23/2013 7:52 AM 206774 AcceptanceCoSurveyor-PeterHMitchell 6-30-1891.pdf
7/23/2013 7:52 AM 209485 AcceptanceCountySurveyor-AndrewPeterson 8-21-1891.pdf
7/23/2013 7:53 AM 698465 AffidavitPostingNoticePendencyPetition 11-22-1890.pdf
7/23/2013 7:53 AM 276266 AffidavitPublication SaleDitchingJobs 3-12-1891.pdf
7/23/2013 7:53 AM 319800 AffidavitPublication-NoticePendencyPetition 11-19-1890.pdf
7/23/2013 7:55 AM 728966 AssessmentMadeOnLand-Recorded 4-10-1891.pdf
7/23/2013 7:56 AM 3470792 AssessmentMainLineList-Pencil-BarelyLegible-NotDated.pdf
7/23/2013 7:57 AM 564420 Contract&ContractorsBond CarlIverson MainLine 4-18-1891.pdf
4/14/2011 2:39 PM 1801200 Contract&ContractorsBond EPWoodworth 4-7-1891.pdf
7/23/2013 8:02 AM 647958 Contract&ContractorsBond PeterHMitchell 3-28-1891.pdf
4/7/2011 9:39 AM 560473 Contract&ContractorsBond-AndrewPeterson 4-7-1891.pdf
7/23/2013 8:06 AM 628908 ContractorPayAmounts HandwrittenList Ditches 9-12.pdf
7/23/2013 8:06 AM 368981 InvoicePostingNotices&Clerical 9-12-1963.pdf
7/23/2013 8:07 AM 377598 NoticePendencyPetition Elwell&Lovell 10-210-1890.pdf
7/23/2013 8:07 AM 4888910 NoticeSaleDitchingJobs-PrintedNotice&List 3-12-1891 Part1.pdf
7/23/2013 8:08 AM 3202942 NoticeSaleDitchingJobs-PrintedNotice&List 3-12-1891 Part2.pdf
7/23/2013 8:08 AM 301021 NoticeSaleofJobs 2-14-1891.pdf
7/23/2013 8:08 AM 312772 OrderAppointingViewers DawsonHunterHatch 7-5-1890.pdf
7/23/2013 8:09 AM 668799 OrderEstablishingDitch Elwell&Lovell 1-7-1891.pdf
7/23/2013 8:09 AM 361895 Petition andOrderAppointingViewers SheriffServed 7-5-1890.pdf
7/23/2013 8:10 AM 375677 Petition Elwell&Lovell 5-28-1890 3.pdf
7/23/2013 8:10 AM 331334 Petition Elwell&Lovell 5-28-1890.pdf
7/23/2013 8:11 AM 466211 PetitionersBond Elwell&Lovell 6-4-1890.pdf
7/23/2013 8:11 AM 458407 PetitionersNoticePendencyPetition Elwell&Lovell 6-4-1890.pdf
3/23/2011 9:11 AM 158837 Plat of Ditch #09.TIF
7/22/2011 8:43 AM 38644577 Plat of Ditch No. 9
7/22/2011 8:44 AM 401136 Plat of Ditch No. 9.pdf
7/22/2011 8:47 AM 41951480 Profile of Ditch No. 9 Branch Line
7/22/2011 8:48 AM 628860 Profile of Ditch No. 9 Branch Line.pdf
7/22/2011 8:52 AM 59063563 Profile of Ditch No. 9 Main Line
7/22/2011 8:54 AM 889928 Profile of Ditch No. 9 Main Line.pdf
4/7/2011 2:49 PM 550588 ViewersReport Branch Exhibit1 9-26-1890.pdf
4/7/2011 9:13 AM 2804669 ViewersReport MainLine Exhibit1 9-26-1890.pdf