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7/31/2013 12:55 PM 250136 Affidavit-Posting Establishment-Ditch 7-8-1895.pdf
7/31/2013 12:55 PM 255910 Affidavit-Posting PendencyPetition 6-13-1895.pdf
2/9/2012 1:51 PM 428499 Affidavit-Publication NoticePendencyPetition 7-8-1895.pdf
7/31/2013 12:54 PM 200863 Affidavit-Publication Petition-Repair 5-25-1916.pdf
7/31/2013 12:54 PM 627212 AssessmentMadeOnLand Registered 9-30-1895.pdf
7/31/2013 12:53 PM 672068 AssessmentMadeOnLand Repairs Registered 2-5-1909.pdf
7/31/2013 12:53 PM 475475 Assessments Centerville 12-11-1894.pdf
7/31/2013 12:52 PM 98570 Assessments Centerville-ClearingDitch 12-8-1904 List-BarelyLegible.pdf
7/31/2013 12:51 PM 234891 Assessments Centerville-ClearingDitch 12-8-1904.pdf
7/31/2013 12:51 PM 163237 AuditorsCertificateReleasingDitchLein QtrSec33 Twp31 R22 Recorded3-17-1971.pdf
7/31/2013 12:50 PM 683913 AuditorsCertificateReleasingDitchLien Registered 11-16-1960.pdf
7/31/2013 12:50 PM 188520 AuditorsCertificateReleasingDitchLien Sec28Twp31R32 Recorded 6-3-1974.pdf
7/31/2013 12:49 PM 674962 AuditorsCertificateReleasingDitchLien Sec32Twp31R22 Copy-w-Info 1-8-1975.pdf
7/31/2013 12:48 PM 174556 AuditorsCertificateReleasingDitchLien Sec32Twp31R22 Recorded 1-20-1989.pdf
7/31/2013 12:49 PM 166548 AuditorsCertificateReleasingDitchLien Sec33Twp31R22 Recorded 8-31-1972.pdf
7/31/2013 12:56 PM 893407 Contract&ContractorsBond 9-27-1895 w-Acceptance11-9-1895.pdf
7/31/2013 12:56 PM 1026262 Contract&ContractorsBond Branch3 Dated9-14-1895 w-Acceptance11-9-1895.pdf
7/31/2013 12:48 PM 879794 Contract&ContractorsBond Sta0-32-Branch9-14-1895 w-Acceptance11-9-1895.pdf
7/31/2013 12:57 PM 960697 Contract&ContractorsBond Sta111-166&37Main 9-14-1985 w-Acceptance11-9-1895.pdf
7/31/2013 12:57 PM 1109876 Contract&ContractorsBond Sta56-110Main 9-14-1895 w-Acceptance11-9-1895.pdf
7/31/2013 12:57 PM 857702 Contract&ContractorsBond Woodworth9-14-1895 w-Acceptance11-9-1895.pdf
7/31/2013 12:58 PM 1183217 Contract&Specifications Repairs 6-14-1911.pdf
7/31/2013 12:59 PM 91681 ContractorCalculations Woodworth-Lundgren NotDated.pdf
10/30/2018 1:09 PM <dir> Ditch #25 - Repair JLFitch
2/14/2012 1:13 PM 111518 DitchLeinRelease Dated 1-20-1989.pdf
7/31/2013 12:59 PM 124625 HearingNotice Petition For Repair 5-19-1916.pdf
7/31/2013 1:00 PM 214108 Notice Petition-Ditch ExhibitB 12-25-1894.pdf
7/31/2013 1:00 PM 425882 Notice-PendencyPetition Tauer 6-4-1895.pdf
2/9/2012 2:35 PM 316263 Notice-Repairs w-Map&NoteFrCenterville 11-28-1908.pdf
7/31/2013 1:01 PM 206648 Notice-SaleDitchingJobs ExhibitH 8-10-1895.pdf
7/31/2013 12:47 PM 316919 Notice-SaleOfJobs 8-10-1895.pdf
7/31/2013 12:47 PM 319137 OrderAppointingViewers 3-14-1895 w-Return.pdf
7/31/2013 1:02 PM 292240 OrderAppointingViewers 3-14-1895.pdf
7/31/2013 1:02 PM 571926 OrderEstablishingDitch w-Assessments 7-8-1895.pdf
7/31/2013 1:17 PM 334624 Petition Tauer 2-9-1895.pdf
7/31/2013 1:18 PM 378599 Petition Tauer&Miller 2-9-1895.pdf
7/31/2013 1:18 PM 469498 PetitionersBond JosephTower 3-14-1895.pdf
7/31/2013 1:19 PM 429392 PetitionersNotice PendencyPeition Tauer&Miller 3-14-1895.pdf
3/5/2012 10:30 AM 118794165 Plat of Jauer Ditch No. 25
7/31/2013 1:24 PM 1381558 Plat of Jauer Ditch No. 25.pdf
7/31/2013 1:19 PM 239334 PrintersAffidavit-Publication Sale-DiggingJobs 9-6-1895.pdf
2/9/2012 10:28 AM 4374837 Profile 4-16-1895.pdf
2/9/2012 2:49 PM 5399246 Profile-Repairs October 1915.pdf
7/31/2013 1:20 PM 289760 Proof-MailingCopies-Non-Residents 1-10-1923.pdf
2/10/2012 2:31 PM 114385 Request for Repair-Obstruction 6-15-1907.pdf
7/31/2013 1:22 PM 698621 Sale-DitchingJobs 8-10-1895.pdf
7/31/2013 1:22 PM 527132 ViewersReport 4-6-1895.pdf
2/10/2012 2:52 PM 1181109 ViewersReport Exhibit1 EstDepth-Cut Width CYds-Removed BranchLine 4-6-1895.pdf
2/9/2012 11:06 AM 1384830 ViewersReport Exhibit1 EstDepth-Cut Width CYds-Removed&Cost MainLine 4-6-1895.pdf
7/31/2013 1:23 PM 225832 ViewersReport Exhibit2 Time&Manner-Work 4-6-1895.pdf
7/31/2013 1:23 PM 196823 ViewersReport Exhibit3 LaborersTime&Pay 4-6-1895.pdf
2/9/2012 10:56 AM 734191 ViewersReport Exhibit4 Owners-Land Amounts 4-6-1895.pdf