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10/30/2018 1:09 PM <dir> 2001-2002 TRANFER OF JURISDICTION
2/23/2011 2:06 PM 727808 Acceptance-DiggingInsp-PmtLundberg 8-19-1889.pdf
7/31/2013 10:59 AM 847190 Affidavit-Posting DitchPetition 1-1-1889.pdf
7/31/2013 11:03 AM 626354 Affidavit-Publication-DitchingJobs 6-13-1889.pdf
7/31/2013 10:55 AM 968146 AffidavitPostingNoticesPendPetition 4-9-1889.pdf
7/31/2013 10:56 AM 579875 Appointment of Viewer IsaacVauney 1-3-1889.pdf
7/31/2013 10:56 AM 486443 Appointment of Viewer John Hunter 1-5-1889.pdf
7/31/2013 10:57 AM 565127 Appointment of Viewer Samuel Littlefield 1-3-1889.pdf
7/31/2013 10:58 AM 2386127 Assessment Made-Land Recorded 7-26-1889.pdf
6/10/2013 3:25 PM 408511 Description and SectionsList w-AmountsAssessed Undated.pdf
7/31/2013 10:58 AM 823450 Digging List Peterson&Lundberg Undated.pdf
7/31/2013 10:58 AM 3116288 DiggingJobsSold-Listing&NoticeFiled 6-27-1889.pdf
7/31/2013 11:01 AM 898366 Ditch Inspection Report - Paul Ruud 7-19-94.pdf
2/23/2011 10:08 AM 1908030 Exhibit1-ViewersReport-Pgs1-5 Filed 1-26-1889.pdf
2/23/2011 10:11 AM 1555284 Exhibit1-ViewersReport-Pgs10-14 Filed 1-26-1889.pdf
2/23/2011 10:10 AM 1957212 Exhibit1-ViewersReport-Pgs6-10 Filed 1-26-1889.pdf
7/31/2013 11:02 AM 279887 NewspaperNoticePendencyPetition 3-19-1889.pdf
7/31/2013 11:04 AM 915630 Notice Sale Of Jobs 5-17-1889.pdf
2/23/2011 2:08 PM 227404 Notice-Sent to NonResident PropertyOwners 3-26-1889.pdf
7/31/2013 11:02 AM 1090533 NoticePendencyPetition-Sparks 3-19-1889.pdf
7/31/2013 11:05 AM 933843 OrderAppointingViewers 1-2-1889.pdf
2/23/2011 1:38 PM 2077924 OrderEstablishingSparksDitch Filed 4-15-1889.pdf
7/31/2013 11:06 AM 2081438 OrderEstablishingSparksDitch w-Assessments Filed 4-15-1889.pdf
7/31/2013 11:07 AM 1001022 Petition 11-21-1888.pdf
7/31/2013 11:07 AM 1215359 PetitionersBond-11-19-1888 Filed 1-1-1889.pdf
8/5/2013 11:28 AM 386171 Plat of Sparks Ditch Ramsey.pdf
8/5/2013 10:45 AM 632336 Plat of Sparks Ditch Ramsey.TIF
7/31/2013 11:03 AM 629347 PrintersAffidavit-PublicationNotice-PendencyPetition 4-15-1889.pdf
8/5/2013 11:28 AM 1895253 Profile of Sparks Ditch Ramsey.pdf
3/3/2011 9:08 AM 1917714 Profile of Sparks Ditch Ramsey.TIF
2/23/2011 2:32 PM 233493 Sheriffs Return Service 1-4-1889.pdf
7/31/2013 11:08 AM 1813869 SparksPetition-ConstrucingDitch-Contract&ContractorsBond-Petersen 6-20-1889.pdf
7/31/2013 11:08 AM 1819419 SparksPetition-ConstructingDitch-Contract&ContractorsBond-Lundberg 8-19-1889.pdf
6/17/2013 1:46 PM 748501 SurveyorsAcceptance DiggingSections 101-330 Dated 8-10-1889.pdf
7/31/2013 11:09 AM 1550638 ViewersReport 1-26-1889.pdf
2/23/2011 10:15 AM 1723455 ViewersReport Exhibit4 AssessmentBenefits-Damages-1-26-1889.pdf
7/31/2013 11:10 AM 640475 ViewersReport-Laborers 1-26-1889.pdf
7/31/2013 11:10 AM 688718 ViewersReport-Time&Manner-Work 1-26-1889.pdf