- /links/Ditches/Ditch 54/Documents/Ditch #54 - Alterations StateOfMn 1952-1964/

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8/23/2013 8:08 AM 365599 1963 StatePetition AlterationBranch3 OrderOfCB 9-9-1963.pdf
8/28/2013 3:40 PM 448615 AffidavitOfPublication NoticeOfHearing Branch3Petition 8-23-1963.pdf
9/4/2013 9:54 AM 124570 CertificateParialReleaseDitchLien 11-31-24 Dated 9-13-1977.pdf
9/4/2013 9:58 AM 205569 CertificateReleasingDitchLien 3-31-24 Dated 2-25-1960.pdf
9/4/2013 10:08 AM 195581 CertificateReleasingDitchLien Lot5 CoonCreekGardens Dated 11-2-1977.pdf
9/4/2013 10:04 AM 302075 CertificateReleasingDitchLien PortionLot6 CoonCreekGardens Dated 10-8-1958.pdf
9/4/2013 10:02 AM 122573 CertificateReleasingDitchLien PortionLots6-11-14 Of 10-31-24 Dated 2-8-1954.pdf
9/4/2013 10:00 AM 280395 CertificateReleasingDitchLien SouthHalfLot18CoonCreekGardens Dated 9-15-1956.pdf
9/4/2013 7:37 AM 2553002 CertificatesReleasingDitchLiens 1950-1959.pdf
9/4/2013 7:39 AM 2904848 CertificatesReleasingDitchLiens 1959-1978.pdf
9/4/2013 10:07 AM 510322 CertificatesReleasingDitchLiens PortionLots-CoonCreekGardens 1956 1959 and 1972.pdf
8/28/2013 9:16 AM 265927 Correspondence Related to Publication& Filing Fees - May 1952.pdf
9/6/2013 7:25 AM 759118 County Ditch No. 54 Branch 3 Exhibit B.pdf
8/28/2013 9:21 AM 332173 NoticeOfHearing-PendencyPetition 4-7-1952.pdf
9/4/2013 10:19 AM 1285749 NoticesToPropertyOwners 5-7-1952 HearingOnPetition Dated 3-25-1952.pdf
8/28/2013 3:42 PM 1376249 Notifications CityOfCoonRapids Branch3 Dated 8-12-1963.pdf
8/28/2013 3:45 PM 562859 OrderOfCountyBoard FeesToBePaidByPetitioner 11-4-1963.pdf
8/28/2013 9:19 AM 264672 OrderOfCountyBoard onPetitionforAlterations Branch1&5 FeesToBePaid 4-7-1952.pdf
8/28/2013 9:32 AM 419547 Petition StateOfMn Alterations-Branch1&5 w-o Exhibit 2-11-1952.pdf
8/28/2013 3:43 PM 2026125 Petition StateOfMn Branch3 1963.pdf
8/28/2013 3:48 PM 2205175 PresentationOfPetition Branch3 StateOfMn 9-9-1963.pdf
8/28/2013 9:23 AM 101104 PublishedHearingNotice AnokaHerald March&April 1952.pdf
8/28/2013 3:52 PM 106313 StatementOfCollections InterestOnDitchLein Lots19&14 CoonCreekGardens 9-5-1978.pdf
8/28/2013 3:50 PM 92576 StatementOfCollections ReimbursementStateOfMn ForPublication 7-19-1965.pdf