- /links/Ditches/Ditch 41/Documents/Ditch #41 - Repairs/
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7/10/2012 2:28 PM 175460 Affidavit-HenryTColeman 5-6-1910.pdf
7/20/2012 9:57 AM 339647 Affidavit-Publishing Hearing-NecessityForRepair 9-28-1965.pdf
7/10/2012 2:42 PM 390080 Assignment ContractorsIndebtedTo HenryTColeman 7-20-1905.pdf
7/12/2012 2:51 PM 191328 Assignment HectorChadwick-Vessey 5-7-1910.pdf
7/12/2012 2:48 PM 122725 Assignment Henry-HectorColeman 5-6-1910.pdf
7/13/2012 2:10 PM 561689 AuditorsCall-SpecialBoardMeeting ReportViewers w-ReturnOfServiceNotes 4-30-1904.pdf
3/26/2013 7:21 AM 2241518 Branch No. 3.pdf
7/13/2012 2:15 PM 1089546 CommissionersWarrants-HectorChadwick 1910.pdf
3/26/2013 7:50 AM 677060 Ditch No. 41 Coon Creek Watershed District sheet 1 of 3.pdf
3/26/2013 7:53 AM 783889 Ditch No. 41 Coon Creek Watershed District sheet 2 of 3.pdf
3/26/2013 7:55 AM 513895 Ditch No. 41 Coon Creek Watershed District sheet 3 of 3.pdf
7/13/2012 2:07 PM 456068 EngineerAmey Ltr-Status&Observations 10-16-1903.pdf
7/13/2012 2:08 PM 371388 EngineersBond MSAmey 9-22-1903.pdf
7/13/2012 2:14 PM 50768 EngineersCertification Staking&Digging BridgeCentralAve 4-29-1910.pdf
7/20/2012 7:53 AM 345654 EngineersDescriptionOfRepairs 7-9-1917.pdf
7/12/2012 3:20 PM 68529 EngineersLtr RegardingSurveyWork 1-4-1904.pdf
7/19/2012 10:17 AM 157297 EngineersReport Exhibit1 WorkDescription 10-9-1906.pdf
7/12/2012 2:27 PM 671783 EngineersReport Exhibit2 Change-UpperEndBranch3 10-6-1906.pdf
7/12/2012 2:23 PM 1196297 EngineersReport Exhibit3 Time&Manner-Work 4-11-1904.pdf
7/12/2012 2:18 PM 1079663 EngineersReport Part1 MatushakPetition-Repairs 12-16-1916.pdf
7/12/2012 2:19 PM 1332522 EngineersReport Part2 MatushakPetition-Repairs 12-16-1916.pdf
7/13/2012 1:46 PM 2088625 EngineersReport StMartin&Vassey Grading 11-20-1909.pdf
7/13/2012 2:21 PM 203279 JointClaim AgainstContractors 12-2-1907.pdf
7/13/2012 1:05 PM 87608 LetterPertainingToSubmittalOfEngineer 1-4-1904.pdf
3/26/2013 7:34 AM 2265762 Main Ditch.pdf
3/26/2013 8:00 AM 2574899 Map Showing Ditch No. 41 and Branches #2.pdf
3/26/2013 7:41 AM 2270786 Map Showing Ditch No. 41 and Branches.pdf
7/10/2012 2:33 PM 212305 OathOfEngineer 9-22-1903.pdf
7/10/2012 2:34 PM 365639 OathOfViewers CJSwansonPetition 4-16-1904.pdf
7/12/2012 3:26 PM 242778 OrderAppointingViewers SwansonPetition 4-11-1904.pdf
7/12/2012 2:01 PM 553789 PowerOfAttorney Contractors 5-10-1910.pdf
3/26/2013 8:03 AM 1514540 Profile Repairs County Ditch No. 41 sheet 1.pdf
3/26/2013 7:25 AM 1572240 Profile Repairs County Ditch No. 41.pdf
7/10/2012 2:44 PM 667031 Proof-Mailing Copies-NonResidents HearingOnSwansonPetition 5-7-1904.pdf
7/10/2012 3:35 PM 462309 Proof-Mailing CopiesFinalNotice-NonResidents HNDouglass PublicDitch 12-16-1914.pdf
7/10/2012 3:14 PM 545098 Proof-Posting AuditorsNotice-Pendency 5-10-1904.pdf
7/10/2012 2:53 PM 443589 Proof-Posting Notice-PendencyPetition CJSwanson 8-18-1903.pdf
7/20/2012 8:30 AM 1798599 Proposal-ContractAndSpecifications DefendentsExhibit1 4-14-1904.pdf
7/12/2012 2:04 PM 846459 ReleaseOfHectorChadwick DitchContract 5-10-1910.pdf
3/26/2013 7:32 AM 2071157 Repairs County Ditch No. 41 Exhibit No. 2.pdf
3/26/2013 7:28 AM 2191660 Repairs County Ditch No. 41.pdf
3/26/2013 7:47 AM 1537610 Repairs Ditch No. 41.pdf
3/26/2013 7:37 AM 2060542 Repairs Profile Sheet No. 4.pdf
7/13/2012 1:00 PM 244097 ReseaseOfHecktorChadwick Coleman 5-10-1910.pdf
7/10/2012 2:47 PM 275432 ResolutionAppointingEngineer CJSwansonPetition 9-8-1903.pdf
7/12/2012 2:47 PM 98666 Settlement-VesseyParties 7-2-1910.pdf
3/26/2013 7:16 AM 872889 Supplemental Report Repairs County Ditch No. 41.pdf
7/20/2012 11:08 AM 2448930 TabulationSheets Sale-DitchingJobs StMartinDavisVessy 6-7-1904.pdf
7/19/2012 10:19 AM 1350132 ViewersReport Exhibit2 Time&Manner-Work MainDitch 1904.pdf
7/10/2012 2:38 PM 194338 ViewersReport Exhibit3 Labor&Comp 4-30-1904.pdf
7/12/2012 3:26 PM 287094 ViewersReport SwansonPetition 4-30-1904.pdf
7/13/2012 12:55 PM 89630 WithdrawelOfPetition-Repair Hentges 9-18-1965.pdf