- /links/Ditches/Ditch 12/Documents/
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7/24/2013 8:59 AM 130679 10-16-1891 PeterHMitchell Note-Account.pdf
4/26/2011 2:57 PM 60270 6-6-1891 DGAnderson AuthorizePayment-GeoAMcCauley.pdf
7/24/2013 8:59 AM 182907 AcceptanceCoSurveyor AndrewPeterson 10-8-1891.pdf
7/24/2013 8:56 AM 187782 AcceptanceCoSurveyor CarlIverson 10-8-1891.pdf
7/24/2013 8:56 AM 197958 AcceptanceCoSurveyor CarlIverson 9-5-1891.pdf
7/24/2013 8:55 AM 190280 AcceptanceCoSurveyor CarlIverson-Ditch12&Branches 9-29-1891.pdf
7/24/2013 8:55 AM 211704 AcceptanceCoSurveyor Dated 9-29-1891.pdf
7/24/2013 8:55 AM 175203 AcceptanceCoSurveyor DGAnderson 10-8-1891.pdf
7/24/2013 8:55 AM 193909 AcceptanceCoSurveyor DGAnderson BranchLine 10-25-1891.pdf
7/24/2013 8:54 AM 204609 AcceptanceCoSurveyor EPWoodworth 9-5-1891.pdf
7/24/2013 8:54 AM 169812 AcceptanceCoSurveyor OEOlson 10-8-1891.pdf
7/24/2013 8:53 AM 207070 AcceptanceCoSurveyor OEOlson Ditch11 8-1-1891.pdf
7/24/2013 8:53 AM 203798 AcceptanceCoSurveyor PeterHMitchell 9-5-1891.pdf
7/24/2013 8:52 AM 194392 AcceptanceCoSurveyor PeterHMitchell MainLine&Branch 10-8-1891.pdf
7/24/2013 8:52 AM 584275 AffidavitPosting NoticePendencyPetition 11-22-1890.pdf
7/24/2013 8:52 AM 472292 AffidavitPostingNoticePendencyPetition 11-21-1890.pdf
7/24/2013 8:51 AM 262058 AffidavitPublication-SaleDitchingJobs 3-12-1891.pdf
7/24/2013 8:51 AM 211469 Assessment StatementBenefits-Land 11-20-1905.pdf
7/24/2013 8:50 AM 184141 Assessment-Parcels-Repairs 12-15-1905.pdf
7/24/2013 8:50 AM 1078476 AssessmentMade-LandRecorded 4-10-1891.pdf
7/24/2013 8:49 AM 449081 AssignmentMoneysDemandsClaimsDueAndrewPeterson-Loken 10-8-1891.pdf
1/28/2013 3:10 PM 6846831 Co ditch 12 Location Map.pdf
7/24/2013 9:03 AM 558424 Contract&ContractorsBond AndrewPeterson 4-7-1891.pdf
7/24/2013 9:04 AM 587205 Contract&ContractorsBond CarlIverson 4-24-1891.pdf
7/24/2013 9:04 AM 585429 Contract&ContractorsBond CarlIverson MainLine 4-18-1891.pdf
7/24/2013 9:05 AM 534783 Contract&ContractorsBond DGAnderson 4-6-1891.pdf
7/24/2013 9:05 AM 533383 Contract&ContractorsBond DGAnderson BranchLine 4-6-1891.pdf
7/24/2013 9:05 AM 581934 Contract&ContractorsBond EPWoodworth 4-7-1891 Ditches10&12.pdf
7/24/2013 9:06 AM 570693 Contract&ContractorsBond OEOlson 4-7-1891-11&12.pdf
7/24/2013 9:06 AM 668252 Contract&ContractorsBond PeterHMitchell 3-28-1891.pdf
7/24/2013 9:06 AM 622522 Contract&ContractorsBond PeterHMitchell MainLine&Branch 3-28-1891.pdf
7/24/2013 9:07 AM 628906 ContractorPayAmounts HandwrittenList Ditches 9-12.pdf
7/31/2013 7:48 AM 20779 County Ditch 12.xlsx
4/27/2011 12:48 PM 217635 CountyDitchInspectionReport 7-8-94 PKRuud.pdf
7/24/2013 9:40 AM 355115 NoticePendencyPetition JTElwell 10-20-1890.pdf
7/24/2013 9:41 AM 296984 NoticeSale-Jobs 2-14-1891.pdf
7/24/2013 9:41 AM 329655 OrderAppointingViewers HatchDawsonHunter 7-5-1890.pdf
7/24/2013 9:45 AM 773775 OrderEstablishingDitch JTElwell 1-7-1891.pdf
4/27/2011 10:15 AM 59122 PaymentErikMattsonFrCarlIverson 10-8-1891.pdf
7/24/2013 9:46 AM 328016 Petition JTElwell Ditch-Drain 5-28-1890.pdf
7/24/2013 9:47 AM 369470 PetitionandOrderAppointingViewers 7-5-1890.pdf
7/24/2013 9:47 AM 395578 PetitionersBond JTElwell 6-4-1890.pdf
7/24/2013 9:48 AM 465801 PetitionersNoticePendencyPetition JTElwell 6-4-1890.pdf
7/20/2011 2:20 PM 66485796 Plat Of Ditch No. 12
8/2/2013 12:12 PM 1073145 Plat Of Ditch No. 12.pdf
7/24/2013 9:48 AM 328677 PrintersAffidavit PendencyPetition 11-19-1890.pdf
7/3/2013 9:28 AM 2583723 Profile Of Ditch 12 Branch 10-17-1890.pdf
7/20/2011 1:33 PM 42836828 Profile Of Ditch No. 12
7/20/2011 2:06 PM 93821721 Profile Of Ditch No. 12 Main Line
7/20/2011 2:08 PM 1467819 Profile Of Ditch No. 12 Main Line.pdf
7/24/2013 9:49 AM 616772 Profile Of Ditch No. 12.pdf
4/27/2011 12:09 PM 58644 Receipt-DocumentsRelating to 12 Dated 4-15-1933.pdf
7/24/2013 9:49 AM 1199894 Sale-DitchingJobs-ViewersEstimates 3-13-1891 Part1.pdf
7/24/2013 9:49 AM 1127008 Sale-DitchingJobs-ViewersEstimates 3-13-1891 Part2.pdf
7/24/2013 9:50 AM 1116618 Sale-DitchingJobs-ViewersEstimates 3-13-1891 Part3.pdf
7/24/2013 9:50 AM 777205 StationsSold PencilList BarelyLegible NoDate.pdf
4/27/2011 9:51 AM 733591 ViewersReport Exhibit1 10-17-1890 Part1 States0-95.pdf
4/27/2011 9:53 AM 813523 ViewersReport Exhibit1 10-17-1890 Part2 Stakes95-190.pdf
4/27/2011 9:55 AM 1076243 ViewersReport Exhibit1 10-17-1890 Part3 Stakes190-309.pdf
4/27/2011 12:20 PM 642414 ViewersReport Exhibit1 BranchLine 10-17-1890 Stakes0-76.pdf
4/27/2011 12:23 PM 654840 ViewersReport Exhibit1 BranchLine 10-17-1890 Stakes76-148.pdf
7/24/2013 9:51 AM 174515 ViewersReport Exhibit2 10-17-1890.pdf
7/24/2013 9:51 AM 190960 ViewersReport Exhibit3 10-17-1890.pdf
4/26/2011 3:05 PM 782574 ViewersReport Exhibit4 10-17-1890.pdf
4/26/2011 3:07 PM 265038 ViewersReport Exhibit5 EstimateCost.pdf
7/24/2013 9:52 AM 568829 ViewersReport JTElwell 10-17-1890.pdf