- /links/Ditches/Ditch 14/Documents/
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7/24/2013 2:56 PM 151823 4-24-1906 NoticetoBoard Rathburn-DitchRepairRequest.pdf
6/21/2011 2:53 PM 143039 8-11-2004 MemotoSurveyorRegardingDitch-PlatRevision.pdf
7/24/2013 2:56 PM 270926 9-15-1908 NoticetoBoard Rathburn-DitchRepairRequest.pdf
7/24/2013 2:57 PM 431574 AcceptanceCoSurveyor PeterMitchell 9-9-1892 MCollinsLandExcavated.pdf
7/24/2013 2:58 PM 447890 Affidavit-Posting NoticePendencyPetition 11-10-1891.pdf
7/24/2013 2:58 PM 334201 Affidavit-Publication Hearing-Petition-Repairs 4-28-1920.pdf
7/24/2013 2:58 PM 289891 Affidavit-Publication NoticePendencyPetition 11-20-1891.pdf
7/24/2013 2:59 PM 606383 AssessmentMade-Land 12-4-1907 Olson.pdf
7/24/2013 2:59 PM 1129605 AssessmentMade-Land Recorded 4-7-1892.pdf
7/24/2013 3:00 PM 328859 BurnsTwp-LandTaxRoadWarrant-Listing 11-10-1904.pdf
7/24/2013 3:00 PM 218797 Cert-ReleasingDitchLien 2-21-1961 SectionList.pdf
7/24/2013 3:01 PM 704746 Contract&ContractorsBond GeoRathburn 4-1-1892 w-Acceptance.pdf
7/24/2013 3:01 PM 724063 Contract&ContractorsBond PeterMitchell 4-7-1892 w-Acceptance 2.pdf
7/24/2013 3:02 PM 718356 Contract&ContractorsBond PeterMitchell 4-7-1892 w-Acceptance 3.pdf
7/24/2013 3:02 PM 722434 Contract&ContractorsBond PeterMitchell 4-7-1892 w-Acceptance.pdf
7/24/2013 3:03 PM 905769 Contract&ContractorsBond Repairs Richardson 10-5-1921.pdf
7/24/2013 3:03 PM 716213 Contract&ContractorsBond RichardKennedy 3-28-1892 w-Acceptance.pdf
7/24/2013 3:04 PM 391783 Contract-Richardson-SuretyBond.pdf
6/17/2011 6:21 AM 15427 County Ditch 14.xlsx
6/20/2011 7:26 AM 620622 Ditch 14_7June2011 Rev.pdf
6/2/2011 8:19 AM 456637 Ditch No 14 Profile Page1.pdf
6/2/2011 7:44 AM 1331802 Ditch No 14 Profile Page2.pdf
6/2/2011 7:45 AM 500448 Ditch No 14 Profile Page3.pdf
8/2/2013 12:03 PM 2285964 Ditch No 14 Profile.pdf
6/17/2011 1:52 PM 63443 DitchContracts UndatedList-wAmts.pdf
7/24/2013 3:04 PM 147388 DitchRepairStatement Town-Ramsey 10-31-1903.pdf
7/24/2013 3:05 PM 675418 EngineersBond WayneLRidge 10-10-1920 Repairs.pdf
6/15/2011 3:31 PM 72720 EngineersFinalCertificate-KCMitchellContract 12-1-1922.pdf
7/24/2013 3:06 PM 573404 EngineersReport w-Exhibit3 Repairs 12-4-1920.pdf
6/17/2011 2:58 PM 115653 InspectionReport-PaulRuud 7-19-1994.pdf
7/24/2013 3:07 PM 379612 MAP OF COUNTY DITCH NO 14.pdf
6/1/2012 12:22 PM 1153651 Map of Rathburn Ditch No. 14 A.pdf
6/1/2012 12:39 PM 652091 Map of Repairs County Ditch No. 14 1920.pdf
6/1/2012 12:15 PM 872255 Map of Repairs County Ditch No. 14.pdf
7/24/2013 3:07 PM 222732 Memorandum-Agreement HBStevens 9-5-1906.pdf
6/21/2011 12:59 PM 144373 MikeCollins-BurnsTwp-ApplicationNote-Repairs.pdf
6/15/2011 3:38 PM 90399 Notice-Hearing Petition-Repairs 12-11-1920.pdf
7/24/2013 3:08 PM 1838777 Notice-Hearing Repairs-ViewersReport&Assessment 11-2-1907.pdf
7/24/2013 3:09 PM 603129 Notice-Presentation-DrainagePetition&Affidavit-Posting EHerrick 5-15-1899.pdf
7/24/2013 3:10 PM 177929 Notice-SaleDitchingJobs Sept-1921.pdf
7/24/2013 3:08 PM 295533 NoticePendencyPetition Rathburn 9-25-1891.pdf
7/24/2013 3:09 PM 593291 NoticePresentationDrainagePetition&AffidavitPosting EHerrick 5-15-1899.pdf
7/24/2013 3:10 PM 243744 NoticeSale-Jobs 2-15-1892.pdf
7/24/2013 3:10 PM 285825 Notification-CountyBoard-RepairNeeded TLOlson 9-14-06.pdf
6/21/2011 1:42 PM 179982 Notification-RepairsNeeded Collins-Weber 8-30-1906.pdf
7/24/2013 3:11 PM 116637 Notification-RepairsNeeded TLOlson 7-15-1907.pdf
7/24/2013 3:11 PM 215766 Oath-Viewers Repairs 12-7-1920.pdf
7/24/2013 3:11 PM 177370 OathViewersDitchProceedings 10-14-1907.pdf
7/24/2013 3:13 PM 264773 Order-RepairDitch Sanderson 1-12-1921.pdf
7/24/2013 3:11 PM 319019 OrderAppointingViewers HatchWitneySnow 7-13-1891 2.pdf
7/24/2013 3:12 PM 228573 OrderAppointingViewers HatchWitneySnow 7-13-1891.pdf
7/24/2013 3:12 PM 329389 OrderAppointingViewers Sanderson 10-29-1920.pdf
7/24/2013 3:12 PM 269883 OrderDesignatingTime&Place-Meeting-Viewers Sanderson 12-6-1920.pdf
7/24/2013 3:13 PM 544987 OrderEstablishingDitch 11-21-1891.pdf
6/21/2011 1:49 PM 1053650 PaymentAmounts-RichardsonContract.pdf
7/24/2013 3:14 PM 393186 Petition EHerrick 5-15-1899 Disallowed.pdf
7/24/2013 3:14 PM 431577 Petition Not-to-Establish 9-26-1891.pdf
7/24/2013 3:15 PM 340655 Petition Rathburn 5-25-1891 2.pdf
7/24/2013 3:15 PM 302214 Petition Rathburn 5-25-1891.pdf
7/24/2013 3:17 PM 154907 Petition-ToCountyBoard Repairs Landowners 8-5-1920.pdf
7/24/2013 3:15 PM 394887 PetitionersBond EHerrick 5-15-1899.pdf
7/24/2013 3:16 PM 428088 PetitionersBond EHerrick 7-1-1899.pdf
7/24/2013 3:16 PM 420637 PetitionersBond Sanderson 8-5-1820 Repair.pdf
7/24/2013 3:16 PM 383848 PetitionersBond-Rathburn 7-13-1891.pdf
7/24/2013 3:17 PM 413779 PetitionersNotice-PendencyPetition EMRathburn 6-15-1891.pdf
7/24/2013 3:17 PM 409244 PreliminaryEngneersReport Repair 10-21-1920.pdf
6/14/2011 3:20 PM 347851 PrintersAffidavit-NoticeRepairs 11-30-1907.pdf
6/1/2012 11:49 AM 78318828 Profile of Rathburn Ditch No. 14 B
6/1/2012 11:50 AM 796608 Profile of Rathburn Ditch No. 14 B.pdf
6/1/2012 12:35 PM 133480948 Profile of Repairs Ditch No. 14
6/1/2012 12:45 PM 1835618 Profile of Repairs Ditch No. 14 Exhibit 2.pdf
6/1/2012 12:37 PM 1914899 Profile of Repairs Ditch No. 14.pdf
7/24/2013 3:19 PM 343312 Proof-Mailing-HearingNotice 10-18-1920.pdf
7/24/2013 3:18 PM 201978 Proof-MailingCopies-FinalNoticeHearing AcceptContract 12-4-1922.pdf
7/24/2013 3:18 PM 235025 Proof-MailingCopies-FinalNoticeHearing SandersonPetition RepairCosts 12-20-1920.pdf
7/24/2013 3:19 PM 318787 Proof-Posting AuditorsNoticePendency Repairs 11-15-1907.pdf
7/24/2013 3:19 PM 478831 Proof-PostingNoticePendency Repair 12-18-1920.pdf
7/24/2013 3:20 PM 152182 ReleaseDitchLein 28-33-25 3-18-1957.pdf
7/24/2013 3:19 PM 153940 ReleaseDitchLein 3-32-25 8-14-1956.pdf
7/24/2013 3:20 PM 298786 RemonstranceToPublicDitch 9-16-1891.pdf
6/1/2012 11:53 AM 74728378 Repairs County Ditch No. 14
6/1/2012 11:58 AM 92648746 Repairs County Ditch No. 14 Exhibit No. 2
6/1/2012 12:06 PM 91784542 Repairs County Ditch No. 14 Exhibit No. 2 Duplicate
6/1/2012 12:07 PM 1619549 Repairs County Ditch No. 14 Exhibit No. 2 Duplicate.pdf
6/1/2012 12:01 PM 1553574 Repairs County Ditch No. 14 Exhibit No. 2.pdf
6/1/2012 12:10 PM 106905689 Repairs County Ditch No. 14 Misc Map
6/1/2012 12:11 PM 1537487 Repairs County Ditch No. 14 Misc Map.pdf
6/1/2012 11:54 AM 1291869 Repairs County Ditch No. 14.pdf
7/24/2013 3:21 PM 233482 Repairs-Proof-MailingCopies-NonResidents 11-2-1907.pdf
7/24/2013 3:21 PM 108941 RequestRepair TLOlson 34-33-25 Filed 8-1-1907.pdf
7/24/2013 3:21 PM 345096 ResolutionAppointingEngineer SandersonPetition 9-21-1920.pdf
7/24/2013 3:22 PM 681003 Sale-DitchingJobs Listing 3-12-1892.pdf
7/24/2013 3:22 PM 447995 Specifications-Repairs WorkCommencing 11-1-1921.pdf
7/24/2013 3:22 PM 496366 StateAcknowledgement-Receipt-FinalEngineersReport Repair 4-20-1922.pdf
7/24/2013 3:23 PM 405454 StatementCost-Repair Recorded10-24-1921.pdf
6/21/2011 2:40 PM 41303 SurveyorAcceptance 12-1-1922.pdf
7/24/2013 3:24 PM 137134 UndatedList Repairs Sanderson Landowners.pdf
7/24/2013 3:24 PM 156557 ViewersReport EstimateTotalCost EMRathburn 8-12-1891 E.pdf
6/14/2011 3:27 PM 671839 ViewersReport Exhibit1 8-12-1891 C Part1.pdf
6/14/2011 3:28 PM 773503 ViewersReport Exhibit1 8-12-1891 C Part2.pdf
7/24/2013 3:25 PM 205157 ViewersReport Exhibit2 EMRathbrnn D 8-12-1891.pdf
7/24/2013 3:25 PM 183739 ViewersReport Exhibit3 Rathburn Laborers 8-12-1891 F.pdf
6/14/2011 1:57 PM 395060 ViewersReport Exhibit4 Rathburn Owners-Assessments 8-12-1891 G.pdf
7/24/2013 3:26 PM 1433045 ViewersReport Repairs Exhibits1-3 10-26-1907.pdf
6/21/2011 2:39 PM 1543709 ViewersReport Sanderson Repairs Exhibits1-2-3 12-10-1920.pdf
7/24/2013 3:26 PM 500237 ViewersReport-EMRathburn 7-13-1891.pdf