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7/24/2013 2:22 PM 190238 AcceptanceCoSurveyor BranchLine 11-5-1891.pdf
7/24/2013 2:22 PM 169770 AcceptanceCoSurveyor Carl Iverson AHJohnson 11-25-1891 247-308.pdf
7/24/2013 2:22 PM 169069 AcceptanceCoSurveyor-AndrewPeterson&JohnFoss 12-19-1891.pdf
7/24/2013 2:23 PM 171187 AcceptanceCoSurveyor-Carl Iverson 11-25-1891 214-239.pdf
7/24/2013 2:23 PM 170827 AcceptanceCoSurveyor-EPWoodowrth-BFJohnson 11-19-1891.pdf
7/24/2013 2:23 PM 181284 AcceptanceCoSurveyor-EPWoodworth-BFJohnson 3.pdf
7/24/2013 2:24 PM 170233 AcceptanceCoSurveyor-PeterMitchell 11-19-1891 4.pdf
7/24/2013 2:24 PM 185787 AcceptanceCoSurveyor-PeterMitchell 11-3-1891 2.pdf
7/24/2013 2:24 PM 185787 AcceptanceCoSurveyor-PeterMitchell 11-3-1891.pdf
7/24/2013 2:23 PM 199769 AcceptanceCoSurveyor-PeterMitchell 3.pdf
7/24/2013 2:24 PM 181876 AcceptanceCoSurveyor-Woodworth-BFJohnson 6-12-1892.pdf
7/24/2013 2:25 PM 251302 AddidavitPublication-SaleDitchingJobs 7-31-1891.pdf
7/24/2013 2:25 PM 577492 AffidavitPostingAuditorsNoticePendencyPetition 7-5-1891.pdf
7/24/2013 2:26 PM 262360 AndrewPeterson BranchLineList Sections98-197 NotDated.pdf
7/24/2013 2:28 PM 337642 Assessment-Owners 11-14-1905.pdf
7/24/2013 2:27 PM 480328 AssessmentMade-Land Recorded4-7-1892.pdf
7/24/2013 2:28 PM 225153 BethelTwp Assessment-Cleaning Ditch16&13 Dated11-05-1904.pdf
7/24/2013 2:29 PM 432637 BethelTwp RepairsDone Ditch16&13 11-27-1903.pdf
10/3/2012 10:25 AM 6199064 Co ditch 13 Location Map.pdf
7/24/2013 2:29 PM 540746 Contract&ContractorsBond AndrewPeterson 9-5-1891.pdf
7/24/2013 2:30 PM 557542 Contract&ContractorsBond EPWoodworth 9-12-1891 3.pdf
7/24/2013 2:30 PM 572029 Contract&ContractorsBond HBStemms 5-9-1898 20-29-32.pdf
7/24/2013 2:31 PM 750900 Contract&ContractorsBond Peterson&Others 9-5-1891.pdf
7/24/2013 2:31 PM 652705 Contract&ContractorsBond-Carl Iverson 9-15-1891 214-239.pdf
7/24/2013 2:32 PM 656969 Contract&ContractorsBond-Carl Iverson 9-15-1891 247-308.pdf
7/24/2013 2:32 PM 698993 Contract&ContractorsBond-ChristGilland 9-14-1891 w-Acceptance.pdf
7/24/2013 2:32 PM 366069 Contract&ContractorsBond-EPWoodworth 9-12-1891 2.pdf
7/24/2013 2:33 PM 556109 Contract&ContractorsBond-EPWoodworth 9-12-1891.pdf
7/24/2013 2:33 PM 711583 Contract&ContractorsBond-FrankHart 9-16-1891 w-Acceptance.pdf
7/24/2013 2:34 PM 795779 Contract&ContractorsBond-PeterMitchell 5-28-1891 CentralAve w-Acceptance.pdf
7/24/2013 2:34 PM 572756 Contract&ContractorsBond-PeterMitchell 9-5-1891 2.pdf
7/24/2013 2:35 PM 581346 Contract&ContractorsBond-PeterMitchell 9-5-1891 3.pdf
7/24/2013 2:35 PM 572319 Contract&ContractorsBond-PeterMitchell 9-5-1891 4.pdf
7/24/2013 2:35 PM 748666 Contract&ContractorsBond-PeterMitchell 9-5-1891 5 w-AcceptanceCoSurveyor.pdf
7/24/2013 2:36 PM 572756 Contract&ContractorsBond-PeterMitchell 9-5-1891.pdf
7/24/2013 2:36 PM 131511 Contract-AndrewPeterson-JohnFoss 8-12-1891.pdf
7/24/2013 2:36 PM 138514 Contract-AndrewPeterson-JohnFoss BranchLine 8-12-1891.pdf
7/24/2013 2:36 PM 172265 Contract-EPWoodworth-BFJohnson 7-14-1891 3.pdf
7/24/2013 2:37 PM 131795 Contract-EPWoodworth-BFJohnson 8-12-1891 2.pdf
7/24/2013 2:37 PM 127153 Contract-EPWoodworth-BFJohnson 8-12-1891.pdf
7/24/2013 2:38 PM 871717 Contract-OleMattson-CentralAveBethel 5-9-1898.pdf
6/14/2011 7:24 AM 869386 ContractPaymentNotes.pdf
7/24/2013 2:38 PM 498863 Copy-TownshipAssessmentList Dated1903.pdf
9/28/2012 3:16 PM 12402 County Ditch 13.xlsx
7/24/2013 2:39 PM 420095 CountyBoardOrder-PetitionOfState-Alteration 5-6-1962.pdf
5/25/2011 1:47 PM 223746 DitchInspectionReport 7-12-94.pdf
5/31/2011 1:42 PM 225515 HearingNotice-PetitionDitchAlteration 1963.pdf
5/30/2012 3:06 PM 1248763 Location Map Laddie Lake Storm Sewer Overflow sheet 1 of 6 sheets.pdf
5/30/2012 3:08 PM 659023 Location Map Laddie Lake Storm Sewer Overflow sheet 2 of 6 sheets.pdf
5/30/2012 3:10 PM 1661878 Location Map Laddie Lake Storm Sewer Overflow sheet 3 of 6 sheets.pdf
5/30/2012 3:11 PM 1624334 Location Map Laddie Lake Storm Sewer Overflow sheet 4 of 6 sheets.pdf
5/30/2012 3:13 PM 1549153 Location Map Laddie Lake Storm Sewer Overflow sheet 5 of 6 sheets.pdf
5/30/2012 3:15 PM 1590908 Location Map Laddie Lake Storm Sewer Overflow sheet 6 of 6 sheets.pdf
3/9/2011 2:47 PM 228613 March&April 63 Notice of Hearing-Anoka Union.pdf
7/24/2013 2:40 PM 304387 Notice-SaleJobs 7-7-1891.pdf
7/24/2013 2:40 PM 672123 NoticePendencyPetition JohnMitchell 4-29-1891.pdf
7/24/2013 2:41 PM 240646 OrderAppointingViewers 2-21-1891.pdf
7/24/2013 2:41 PM 414001 OrderAppointingViewers-MitchellDawson w-SheriffsReturn 2-21-1891.pdf
7/24/2013 2:43 PM 1192594 OrderEstablishingDitch&Branch JohnMitchell w-Assessments 6-6-1891.pdf
7/24/2013 2:43 PM 1110788 Petition JohnMitchell 12-13-1890.pdf
7/24/2013 2:44 PM 842311 Petition MitchellDawsonOthers 12-13-1890.pdf
7/24/2013 2:45 PM 925570 PetitionersBond Mitchell&Others 2-21-1891.pdf
7/24/2013 2:45 PM 1140766 PetitionersNoticePendencyPetition JohnMitchell 1-22-1891.pdf
7/20/2011 12:05 PM 38591262 Plat of Ditch No. 13
7/20/2011 12:07 PM 926239 Plat of Ditch No. 13.pdf
5/25/2011 1:43 PM 278155 PrintedNotice-Hearing-HamLake 4-1-1963.pdf
5/31/2011 2:17 PM 267420 PrintersAffidavit SaleDitchingWork 4-30-1898.pdf
7/24/2013 2:46 PM 546808 PrintersAffidavitPublication-PendencyPetition 6-5-1891.pdf
6/14/2011 7:58 AM 3760746 ProfileDitch13 MainLine 3-30-1891.pdf
6/14/2011 7:28 AM 2416274 ProfileDitch13-BranchLine.pdf
7/24/2013 2:47 PM 238719 Repairs-Benefits-Assessments 12-26-1906.pdf
7/24/2013 2:48 PM 192755 Sale-BranchLine AndrewPeterson 138-197 UndatedList.pdf
7/24/2013 2:48 PM 701369 Sale-BranchLine EPWoodworth UndatedStationList.pdf
7/24/2013 2:50 PM 142374 Sale-Mainline Carl Iverson Undated List 214-308.pdf
7/24/2013 2:51 PM 449780 Sale-MainLine PeterMitchell UndatedSectionListing.pdf
7/24/2013 2:49 PM 107975 SaleDitchingJobs Yds-EstPayment Undated.pdf
7/24/2013 2:49 PM 897426 SaleDitchingJobs-Branch 8-1-1891.pdf
7/24/2013 2:49 PM 461879 SaleDitchingJobs-Part1-MainLine 8-1-1891.pdf
7/24/2013 2:50 PM 374662 SaleDitchingJobs-Part2-MainLine 8-12-1891.pdf
7/24/2013 2:50 PM 287457 SaleDitchingJobs-Part3-MainLine 8-1-1891.pdf
7/24/2013 2:52 PM 300654 Statement-CostConstruction 3-30-1891.pdf
7/24/2013 2:51 PM 734827 StatementAuditorShowingAssessmentMade-Land 8-27-1891.pdf
6/13/2011 12:30 PM 1104773 ViewersReport Exhibit1 BranchLine 3-30-1891.pdf
6/13/2011 12:40 PM 995898 ViewersReport Exhibit1 MainLine 3-30-1891 Part1.pdf
6/13/2011 12:41 PM 893975 ViewersReport Exhibit1 MainLine 3-30-1891 Part2.pdf
7/24/2013 2:52 PM 279629 ViewersReport Exhibit2 3-30-1891.pdf
7/24/2013 2:53 PM 198561 ViewersReport Exhibit3 3-30-1891.pdf
6/13/2011 10:31 AM 516555 ViewersReport Exhibit4 3-30-1891.pdf
7/24/2013 2:53 PM 421571 ViewersReport JohnMitchell 3-30-1891.pdf